When we desire to lose weight, we often lack the belief that we can change. We admire other people or even envy them, pitting ourselves for the "bad" family genes or maybe we blame it on the thyroid. We want what others have - a healthy, sexy body - without doing the work. We hope and we wish that one day we will be slim and trim. Hoping is NOT a strategy for your weight loss plan.
What I know from my own past experience and what I also see my hypnotherapy clients struggle with is the lack of self-love. Being overweight makes it hard for us to love ourselves and our bodies for what they are. However, as long as you reject yourself you keep a battle going against yourself and your body won't play along. Before we can make a positive change in the right direction, we have to learn to embrace and love ourselves.
There is never anything "all" negative or "all" positive. That being said, start by taking inventory and make a list of the things you like about yourself. More importantly, write down what you do like about your body. Do you get a lot of compliments on your beautiful eyes? Maybe you like to show off your shapely legs in a flattering dress? Learn to see the good and positive. Rather than constantly criticizing yourself for what you hate about yourself, concentrate your attention on the good. You are unique and one-of-a-kind; therefore stay away from comparing yourself to others.
Once you are more aware of your thoughts and feelings, using empowering affirmations are a wonderful way to practice self-love and approval. When we are more kind with ourselves, it becomes easier to treat our bodies better and choose foods and lifestyle habits that validate our self-love and the belief that we can become healthier and slimmer.
It can be challenging to choose food options that give your body the nourishment it needs, especially living in a world where "convenience" plays a major role. Affirmations or hypnotic suggestions and mindfulness can make it much easier to stick to a nutrition plan, exercise schedule and select the foods and activities that help you reach your goal.
If you have daily reminders and effective tools at your disposal, you are less likely to give in to temptations, because you will be able to quickly re-focus your mind on your weight loss goal.
Affirmations are a way of exercising mindfulness to help you re-train your brain, build new neural pathways in the brain, called neuroplasticity, and ultimately replace old habits with new ones. The more often you chose the new habit - vegetables instead of fries - the closer you get to reaching our goal and forming a new, healthy habit.
Positive suggestions are effective in helping you stick to your nutrition plan, turn away from temptation and be physically more active. How? By replacing the negative spiral of thoughts in your mind with powerful and positive ones you are helping yourself succeed faster and long-term.
"What you believe you can achieve". Exactly! First you have to be convinced that you are capable of gaining control over your cravings, desires and thirsts.
Next, you have to make the commitment to succeed and achieve lasting change in your life. How committed are you? Do you believe that you can overcome your overeating or food addiction?
Now, that you have set your weight loss commitment in stone, take a look at the affirmations below to help you get through moments of weakness.
Top 10 Food and Nutrition Affirmations
Keep in mind, that when using suggestions, you are most successful when you internalize them while repeating them frequently to yourself. Feel, imagine, experience, hear, smell whatever is suggested. The more senses you involve, the more effective they will be.
Repetition is key when using affirmations. No matter how you are feeling or what your excuses are, you need to be constantly repeating these positive statements in your mind. Temptation will strike when you least expect it. So it's better to be prepared!
1. I learn new, healthy habits around food and exercise.
2. I release the need to turn to food for comfort, because now I give to myself in new, healthy ways.
3. I am losing weight for me because I love me.
4. I take care of myself and my body.
5. I feel more energized and positive, because I nourish my body with healthy foods.
6. I am patient throughout my weight loss journey.
7. I use self-care, not self-control.
8. The more I take care of myself, the better I feel.
9. I am firmly committed to staying active and healthy.
10. I deserve a healthy body and mind.
If you question the effectiveness of using affirmations, think for a moment how well your negative suggestions have been working overtime. Whether you resist to believe them or not, as long as you keep repeating these powerful statements you contribute to changing your mindset. What initially seemed unrealistic to you, over time these ideals will become your reality through your repeated positive thoughts and actions.
But remember, you must first believe in yourself and your ability to change. Once you make the commitment to succeed, you will change your attitudes about food one positive thought and one affirmation at a time. You will grow stronger, more confident and you feel happier than ever!
External changes will not make you happier. Nothing can make you feel as good as growth out of your own effort. Change has to happen from the inside out.
Visit us at http://www.southparkhypnosis.com or at http://www.facebook.com/southparkhypnosis. I would be happy to answer any of your questions around hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
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