An off the cuff remark by someone at Fitcamp inspired me to write this article.
I have a dream that one-day obesity will be a thing of the past.
I have a dream that type two diabetes no longer plagues the lives of so many people.
I also have a dream that BIG FOOD is brought to task and made to take responsibility for the absolute garbage they pass off as food.
I long for the day when people can actually find the time to get back to basics in the kitchen, and prepare a nutritious meal from scratch with FRESH ingredients and without the use of a microwave oven.
Are we really that busy that we can't even take the time to respect our own body and that of our children, that we have to feed them additives, chemicals, and preservatives. What is more important than our health, after all, without it we have nothing.
I have a dream that profit no longer takes precedence over health, but in the world in which we live in today, there is no chance my dream will become a reality.
It disgusts and angers me what the food industry is able to get away with, with the powers that be turning a blind eye to the 'shit' that they peddle.
Is it any wonder the nation's health is literally going down the pan?
When did we lose sight of what constitutes a good meal? What happened... ? In a word ADVERTISING.
We are brainwashed into thinking we don't have the time to cook, therefore you go and buy convenience. So what do you get for your money? Let's see... heart attack, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity to name a few... all because you can't be arsed cooking!
In reality it doesn't take long to cook a meal from scratch, and the more you do it the quicker you get at it. the prep side I mean.
As long as there are people prepared to risk their health for the sake of convenience nothing will change. We are being dictated to by BIG FOOD and buying whatever they put on the supermarket shelves, and stuff nowadays can sit on the shelf for a long time due to the junk they put in to stop it from going off too soon.
We as humans are not designed to eat that shit, it just isn't natural. Did you really think that 'E' numbers grew on trees?
Just a passing thought here, but isn't it time we took responsibility for our own health and in so doing dictate to BIG FOOD what it is we are actually going to eat?
There are too many people today that are looking for a magic bullet to lose weight, they don't want to put in the effort, but at the same time want the results. If you are fat then there is a very good chance that YOU are to blame. All because you CHOOSE to make poor food choices and do it consistently. 'You've got to have a treat' I hear you cry, 'life would be boring if you didn't have a little of what you fancy',If you want to believe that then go right ahead. Dumping a load of toxins into you system which then plays havoc with your hormones is a treat? REALLY?
Eventually, your health suffers, you visit the Doctor who then treats the symptoms but not the root cause, which by and large can be attributed to poor diet.
Which brings me onto BIG PHARMA, sitting rubbing their hands because the more overweight unhealthy people there are, the bigger the market for them to sell their wares to. Once more its profit over health.
It would appear to me that we have lost sight of who we are as human beings. We spend most of our time sitting down, finding ways to make life more convenient and easier and in doing so we stagnate. We are designed to move, we need to move and to move frequently. It's good not only for the body, but also for the mind and the soul.
I have a dream that one day we will all awaken from this manmade nightmare and feed our souls properly. We really do owe it to this remarkable, amazing machine called the human body.
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