Fitness for Women - How to be Healthy
Every woman wants to to be fit and healthy. The demands of careers, families and personal influences are different from woman to woman, and some find it easier to incorporate exercise and good eating habits into their lives than others. Then, the multitude of information and hype being circulated all the time about different diets and methods to get fit are confusing at best.
Here are Five steps to being healthier and more fit
· Try to exercise a little every day. Experts say it is harder to stick to a routine that is varied, than to make it part of a daily routine. A little every day is better than skipping a big workout.
· How much effort you do can be more important than the length of time. Younger women may enjoy 30 minutes in a gym, or taking a jog. Most women over 55 can stay healthy with walking, and some upper body exercises.
· Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Stick to the basics: eat unprocessed food, lots of vegetables and eat meat as a side dish, not the main entree. Avoid eating an excess of sugar and fat.
· Have fun on vacations, but try to remember the daily exercise in some way.
· Ask the advice of a trainer, doctor or workout partner before trying something new.
The brain seems to be your best guide for weight control. Using common sense, don't embark on any diet plan that doesn't seem logical or smart. Avoiding a whole food group is not sensible unless it is totally empty calories with no nutritional value. Personal trainers, who are concerned with the overall fitness of your body and core strength, advise that you stick to food basics and eat several smaller meals through the day, rather than three large ones.
It would be great for all of us to take control of our lives; taking care of ourselves physically is the way to start. Once we learn to do that we will be on the road to living life well. Why? Taking care of ourselves physically lowers the chances of being on medication. Also it is proven that physical exercise makes us happy.
When I was young I was a very healthy and athletic little girl. At the age of 7 I was competing in gymnastics. Now that I am 41 and everything has slowed down to almost a stop I now think about being healthy so much more! Being healthy is important for our minds and body.
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